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Showing articles from pop-ups tag

Google Chrome - Turn Off Pop-Ups/Allow Pop-Ups

## ** **![Google Chrome][1] ## **Turn Pop-Ups on or Off:** ## 1. On your computer, open Chrome. ## 2. At the top right, click More ![More][2] ![and then][3] **Settings**. ## 3. At the bottom, click **Advanced**. ## 4. Under "Privacy and security," click **Content settings**. ## 5. Click **Popups**. ## 6. At the…

Safari - Turn Off/Allow Pop-Ups

## ![][1] ## How to Disable a Pop-Up Blocker: Safari for Mac (Ventura 13.0) ### Disable a Pop-Up Blocker Within Safari Settings 1. Open Safari. 2. In the top left of the window, click **Safari**. ![][2] 3. Click **Settings** in the drop-down menu. ![][3] 4. Click the **Websites** tab found on the top row. ![]…

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