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Home > Veracross > How to Access the Veracross Student Portal
How to Access the Veracross Student Portal
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There are two ways to access the Veracross Student Portal


1. Go to the SSA website, click on the Student tab at the top, then click on the button for "Veracross Student Portal Login".




2. Go directly to the VC Student Portal Login

(Note: I would suggest having students bookmark this login page on their personal devices for easy access in the future.)


The login credentials are the same as your SSA user credentials.  These are the same username and password that you use to access any SSA computer as well as your SSA email (without the email domain at the end).


Once logged in, the student will have access to Schedule Information, the S-Book Directory, a direct login (SSO) to Canvas, the Academy Handbooks and more.



Students can also access Messages that were sent to them through any Veracross distribution list.


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