In the event you stopped receiving emails from the Veracross Information System from faculty/staff at SSA, please submit a work order or contact the school directly in order to get removed from the Bounce/Spam list. Once you are removed, we recommend the following to ensure that moving forward you do not get added to the Bounce/Spam list again and will continue to get SSA emails from our system.
Please Note: The information below walks you through the steps of whitelisting the Veracross domains/IP addresses to ensure you do not stop receiving emails by being added to the Bounce/Spam list. The information below is to be completed on your end, through your email provider and SSA is not able to assist with this process. If you have any issues with adding to your email whitelist, you will need to contact your email provider for help.
Ensure those messages are not going into another folder such as SPAM, CLUTTER, or TRASH.
Whitelist the following domains:
Whitelist the following IP address:
Add the following to your organization-wide contact list: