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Home > Microsoft Office Suite > Microsoft Office Suite Free for Students and Faculty
Microsoft Office Suite Free for Students and Faculty
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Microsoft Office Suite Free for Students and Faculty on Personal Computers/Devices

Every student and adult user of Shady Side Academy's computer and network system is 
eligible to install Microsoft Office on up to 5 home computers, and up to 5 mobile devices.

To retrieve the software, follow the steps below:
  1. Visit
  2. On the Apps & Devices page, click the INSTALL OFFICE 


Follow prompts to install Office.  You can install on up to 5 personal devices (PC, Mac, Tablet, Smartphone)


If prompted to sign in after the installation, please use your full SSA email ([email protected]) instead of a product or license key. 

Although you can use the Microsoft applications offline, you will need to connect to the internet every 30 days to allow Microsoft to refresh your license activation. 

You can install Microsoft Office for free on up to 5 devices (including Macs/PCs, smart phones and tablets), but each install will require YOUR login to activate the license. 

Your SSA-licensed version of Microsoft Office is only available to use while you are an SSA student, and although your installations of Microsoft Office will remain installed after you graduate, they will switch to read only mode when the Academy terminates your account. Once deactivated, Office apps will revert to the "Free - Read-only" versions. This means you will still be able to open and read all Office documents but you will be unable to edit them or create new ones.

If using OneDrive, you must remove all of your content out before the Academy terminates your SSA user account, which usually happens at the end of November, in the Fall term after you have graduated. 


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