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Home > PHONES > Office/Desk Phones > Accessing Voicemail
Accessing Voicemail
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On the Senior School and Middle School Campuses you can get into the voicemail system by picking up your desk phone receiver and dialing extension 3199.  It will ask for your extension and password.


You can change the away message (option 3) and record your name (option 5-it doesn’t give you 5 as an option but it is there)

You can also change your password if you want it’s under Option 5 as well.


If you are off campus can you dial into Voicemail by calling 412-968-3199, entering your extension number and password.


Attached is Voicemail Overview that tells you which buttons do what…there is a secret menu that isn’t mentioned when you log in…it only gives you 1, 2, or 3 but there are other features under Option 5.

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